Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another tweet program?

Yeah, that's right. There is another tweet program option. Tweet Adder, while absolutely amazing, is pretty pricey. Enter, Social Oomph!

Even has a free version!

Okay I'm not going to lie to you. Tweet Adder can be quite expensive. At $55 for the basic, it's a large investment. Especially for the small net business that it's going to help most. However, Social Oomph has a free version (granted, not as much functionality as the paid version). Now, it doesn't do as much for twitter as Tweet Adder does, but it also works with facebook fan pages, which is what I use it for. 

I would definitely recommend giving the free version a try, it makes using twitter and facebook to grow your website so much easier than trying to get by doing everything manually. 

Never underestimate the ability to schedule tweets. In marketing terms, this is incredibly valuable.

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