Saturday, September 10, 2011

Guest post from Breaku, on "The List"

Hey guys, I'm Breaku. I write for That Blank Media frequently, but never for the advertising blog.

I'm here to explain what "The List" can do for you and your blog and why you should try to get on it.

"The List" is a list of blogs, currently featuring 71, that are fast loading with both Entrecard and Adgitize on them. If you're a user of either of those systems, then you know how important it is to actually be able to find the blogs that use these systems. If you don't drop your entrecard, you won't receive drops, ergo; lower traffic. If you don't click the adgitize ads, you'll have fewer points hurting your income.

As an experiment, I went one week clicking/dropping on only the blogs on the list. Investing no further time to finish and reach 100 (which, the list will hopefully have those numbers soon).

The results were incredible. My Adgitize earnings went up greatly, those 71 points were excellent, and I was able to break into the Adgitize leaderboards for last month, which earned me a backlink.

Entrecard saw similar results. Not only did I have more credits to advertise with, but many people will return drops! I went from 8th ranked Politics Blog, to 4th ranked that week. The cost to advertise on my blog capped out at over 256 credits, and my cards dropped on me increased by 60%.

Then, just to be sure that it wasn't a fluke, I stopped using the list. My stats sunk. And quickly. I was almost as low as I was before. And I realized how useful this list can actually be.

Getting on the Easy Advertising list is simple. Post a comment here. E-mail my boss. Post a comment on the list itself. But be sure you have both Entrecard and Adgitize, or you're wasting time.

Breaku is a regular poster on That Politics Blog, and a Member of That Blank Media.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

To leep or not to leep?

Shouldn't be a question if you're a blogger.

Is a great advertising network

I've recently discovered 2leep, and have just started using it as a test on our most popular blog in the network. It's highly customizable, and will help both your earnings and your traffic. For every click your blog generates on a non-monetary link, your blog will receive one in exchange. You then have the option to sell a percent of your displays. Clicks on the monetary links will generate you money. You can use it in unison with any other ad network (even adsense), and the increased traffic will help your bottom line with the other publishers as well.

If you'd like to see what it looks like, check out the latest post@ That Politics Blog. Under the content, before the comments, is their widget.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Advertising with Barcodes?

Scanning this with a smartphone will bring you to my blog!
QR codes are very interesting. They offer a lot of unique opportunities for bloggers and advertisers. QR codes are a perfect way to multiply your advertising. Seeing QR codes always makes people curious, because they're still pretty new. For example, placing a QR codes as my Entrecard 'card', it doubles the potential exposure.

To generate your own QR code, I'd recommend this website, they're great.

I'm going to play around with QR codes, and some potential ads using them, and write a more in depth guide as to how to get the most out of your QR codes.